What our clients say about us!

Thank you so much for the improvements you have made to our grounds. You have given us priceless advice and your expertise has saved us so much money.

Residents - site in Purley

Many thanks for another successful year - and the great job you all do!


Just wanted to say how much we appreciated the walkround you organised yesterday and for your efforts, in the past and ongoing, to improve the appearance of the Estate's gardens and landscapes.



We feel that not only the residents here but also passers-by enjoy feelings of visual pleasure and congratulate you on the hard work and guidance you have provided to make the Estate a most desirable place in which to live.


Very many thanks for your time and advice last week and for the interest you take in our Estate.

Directors - site in East Croydon

Many thanks for all you hard work. You are doing a grand job on the estate. The gardens and grounds are looking much improved - here's to the future! 

Directors - site in Selsdon


Thank you for encouraging us to have a walk round our site and for your invaluable advice where cost-effective improvements can be made. In the three years you have been maintaining our gardens and grounds, the standard has improved tenfold and we get comments from Estate Agents and potential owners that the place looks extremely inviting.

Directors - site in Purley


I thought it was time to get in touch as we have a Directors meeting on Monday and I realised that a year had passed since you took on our gardening contract. So I would like to say, on behalf of the directors, that we have been very pleased with all the work carried out over the year, in particular with regard to the initial project of planting/pruning/etc on those areas which were badly neglected.

Director - site in Shirley


We met with the new gardeners on their first day here on site. Wow! Given our experience of their predecessors, we feel as if we've won the lottery!

Director - site in South Croydon



EAST of the OAK

Contract Garden

 and Grounds Maintenance




  • North London
  • West London
  • East London and
  • Croydon and Sutton postcodes
  • and surrounding areas






Morton Gamble Gardens Limited and 

EAST of the OAK Limited

Registered Address:

23 Margin Drive

London SW19 5HA

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© EAST of the OAK Limited